Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Now this is funny....

I've mentioned that my professor for this semester isn't very hands on. I half assed my last lab of the semester with the knowledge that I was getting an A in the class even if I got an F on it. I sent the lab in at the very last minute because that's when I did it. So I got the grade for it and emailed my professor for a critique. This is his response:

Hi Jason,
I wasn't planning on it but sinc you asked, Your comparison of geologic vs. Topographic maps particularly the Topographic maps component was sketchy at best and you didn't answer question #8 on boundaries at all. The raptor paper was cursory with no mention of range either timewise or geographically and a WEB encyclopedia entry doesn't indicate much of a WEB search for info. Have a Good Summer.

By the way I got a 90 on the lab. Just blows my mind how this dude has a job. Everything he said was right. Although I don't remember missing question 8.

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