I'm screaming at my wife to get the boy and hide inside. She isn't listening and we are slowly being surrounded. I'm telling her I can only fight a few more off before I get taken down. I'm trying to buy time for her to get to safety and then I'll be in the house.
In typical broad fashion she doesn't listen. It's on her so fast I have no chance to get there in time. I pull it off her and cut it's head off.
I look to my wife. My face drops.
It's too late, she's a zombie.
I leave her behind and run into the house. I lock the doors. I grab the boy off of the couch and take him upstairs. Our dog follows. With my trusty ax I destroy the stairs. The zombies can't eat what they can't reach.
We have enough food to last us a long time. I'm prepared. I only wish my wife has listened. We could have survived this together......
Then I woke up. I woke up sore and relieved that I was not fighting a zombie invasion and defending my 2 year old son and dog, all the while grieving over a zombified wife that I would probably have to kill.
I'm sore because I've been lifting weights. Damn it hurts to get back into that.
I'm dreaming of how to defend myself from a zombie invasion because my wife and son got me
"The Zombie Survival Guide : Complete Protection from the Living Dead" for father's day. Such a great book and written totally straight. It's written by one of my idol's, Mel Brooks, son Max.
I'm happy to tell you that even with my wife being eaten by zombies I was able to keep a clear enough head and save my son and my dog and get to higher ground. I then followed the rules and destroyed the stairs so the living dead would have no way to get to me.
That book may have just saved my life....
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