I type this stoned out of my mind on Oxycodone. The surgery went well or so my doctor says. I always try to stay awake when they put me under, but everytime the surgery is completed before I even know it has started. This time was no different.
I'm fairly certain that I tried to convince the nurses that the anethesia had worn off when I got out of surgery by telling them I worked in telecom and I was a smart guy.
In hindsight I'm pretty sure that the effect was opposite what I was going for. The toe feels fine except for the pain that my good friend the prescription drugs help numb. Before I left they put my on crutches. I'm not the most coordinated person to begin with so this will be an interesting 10 days with no pressure on the foot. It's a weird thing because you take walking for granted. Now I can't even grab a can of seltzer because I need both hands for these crutches.
I can't walk and hold Cole. I can't play soccer with Jack. It kinda blows. I've caught up on everything on my DVR and even finished the excellent Brotherhood on DVD.
The plus side was having Friday and Monday off from work. It allowed me to help Faith out with Cole. The drugs make me tired but sleep doesn't come easy, so 2 am feedings are not the nightmare they normally would be.
My neck is killing me though. I suck at the crutches and have been sleeping on the couch because I can't consistently get upstairs to my bed. This does help with the baby because it's just him and I for the most part at night. I pass him off around 2 or 3 so I can get some sleep before work at 5.
Of course my first day back at work is not fun. I'm working from home for the next month or so. The weekend with the foot was fine. I was able to put some weight on it. It still hurts pretty much all the time but it was manageable because it was always elevated.
Now I am working at my dining room table and can't keep my foot up. I must have bumped this thing like 100 times in my first hour back at work. It is THROBBING.
Funny thing about the drugs. They make me way more affectionate. I'm not made of stone, I always kiss my wife and kids and tell them I love them, but I'm such a chick flick when I'm on drugs.
Part of it is being fairly helpless. I have to rely on my wife for everything right now. She is a champ about it, but I want to help as much as I can hence me taking Cole for most of the night. You really appreciate the people in your life when you don't have a leg to stand on.
Side note:
Once my vacation was over I went back to work and there was a big company meeting. We all had to go to this hotel conference room. I got there and sat next to a co-worker. I started making small talk and they ignored me.
No worries. People have stuff going on and it was just small talk.
After the meeting we went back to the office and my colleagues were talking about all going to lunch. Next thing I know they are all gone.
No one asked me. Everyone was ignoring me. No one asked about the baby. No one asked how my wife was doing.
It was awesome. Finally people got the hint. Work Jay and personal life Jay no longer had to meet.
Then I woke up. It seriously was a dream where my co-workers minded their own business.
When I really got back to work I got hit with the questions about the baby.
They asked if I had pictures. I told them I didn't They asked me before I left if I was going to email them pictures of Cole when he was born.
I told them I would not.
This is not to be a dick. First off these are co-workers who I do not know socially. Secondly I have this unnatural fear of pictures of my kids on the internet. I hate it. The world is full of perverts. I wouldn't email co-workers pictures of my kids because in my mind they can then forward those pictures to the world.
It's an insane thought, but I'm on prescription drugs right now. They then said how come you won't have pictures of the kids at your desk. I've said this before.
"I know what my kids look like. If I were to have their pictures there it would be for you to come and see and strike up a conversation."
People don't like that response. Oh well. It is also part of my unnatural fear of layoff. I don't want anything at my desk that I can't get rid of with one trip because there is no way I am taking two trips after being shit canned.
I've clearly been away from you blog too long. You seriously crack me up, I need to check in more often. You need to think about writing a book, I'm not kidding.
So I wrote you back on my blog. Its football time!
Sorry I've been away for so long. I'll check in more often.
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