"The pharmacy is open!"
I heard this about 20 times in Aruba. This is code for "Yo buy drugs from me dawg!" The first time I heard it I was with my dad looking for a steak sub. My dad told me about this great steak place that was about a 45 minute bus ride from our hotel. We get there and of course the place was closed on Sunday.
Even better was finding out that the bus didn't show up for another hour. PoPs and I hit a bar across the street.
We met this smoking hot Chinese girl. We also found out that she was basically sold to the bar owner.
Yes folks the upcoming economic power in the 21st century still deals in slavery. She had lived in Aruba for about a year. She hated it there and missed her mother. She didn't seem overly upset, but she did seem somewhat melancholy. It took about 5 minutes to get an Amstel. She understood english, but the accent created a problem.
It was such an odd day.
1 comment:
dude if she can polish boots you should have put a down deposit on her for me.
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