Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Finally finals...

Finished my geology final yesterday. Got a 100. It was easy since I just copied the answers from my old quizzes. Ah the ethics of an online class. What are you gonna do? I was really sweating this course before I took it. It was science and a lab. I'm not very good at science. Thankfully my professor wasn't very good at teaching. He left everything open book and had little to no contact with us.

I learned nothing, but then again this isn't what I want to go to school for. Taking this lab was just a necessary evil. So glad that is over though.

The rain finally stopped. New England has been hammered with rain for about a week now. Flooding everywhere.

I had to drive up to my wife's grandparents house in New Hampshire for mothers day. We had seen my family the week before and this was the week for her fam. I'm not too high on my mother in law. I like my wifes aunts, and her uncle by marriage but the rest I can do without. Her grandparents are nice too.

It kinda blew because the rain really fucked us up getting there. We were detoured and the detour signs just stopped.

It was then that I realized my hatred for all things New Hampshire. What a backwards fucking state. Cops detour you and the signs stop. Fuckers. Tax free...who gives a fuck?

Anyway I'm pumped about summer starting. Grass I planted is growing and I might be able to work on my yard if it stays dry out for a minute.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Also Girls from New Hampshire are crazy. They are a bit uncivilized, used to going out side to use the "outhouse" going to bed when the sun goes down and not shaving. They all smell odly of pine as well.