Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I think I may have erred....

SinceI have started the new job I've gotten a polo shirt with the company logo on it.

I don't like it. I will never wear it. I took it because I was the new guy and hey I probably will only have to take it this one time and they won't be giving them away anymore.

Last week the secretary comes over and asks what our sizes are. She is ordering more shirts. I tell her I am all set and I don't want one.

She comes back yesterday and asks again. I'm like really I don't want one. I never wear them and they just take up space in my closet. I appreciate it, but I'll never wear them. I tell her to just take me off the list.

About ten minutes later I get an email from my director asking me why I don't want a shirt. I scroll down the email and see that the secretary has told my director in an email that I do not want a shirt and I have asked to never get one again.


She could have just sent the list and not had my name on it. He never would have known.
Shit like this annoys me.

Companies talk about saving money, but then they go out and buy embroidered shirts.

I'd rather have a bonus or a larger raise instead of a shirt. I feel like an ass telling my director that while I appreciate the sentiment, I never wear those things.

I know I should just play ball and take the shirt and then never wear it, but I can't. I'd want to throw it away. It's a waste of cash to me.

Now I look like an ass. Maybe I am one. Oh well. I thought my wife would back me on this.

She did not.

I am alone in this world.

On another note. I was in my living room Saturday morning and I saw a couple walking a dog. They walked the dog right onto my front lawn and let their little darling pooch shit on my front lawn.

I opened my window and asked if they were planning on picking that up. The man started walking away, but the woman said she would, and the dog just went up there and started shitting before they could stop it.

This dog weighed maybe ten pounds. I call bullshit. So she said she would clean it up and walks away to get a bag.

This tells me this cunt did not plan on picking up after her dog. Most people have those bags handy.

About ten minutes later she came back and picked up the dog shit.

Whore. The balls of people. Thinking they can just go on someones lawn and have their dog shit there like it's no big deal.

I hope her dog gets heart worms.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The appelation Burgite was never more fitting.
You need to watch two movies. The Burbs and Office Space. They contain the solutions to all your problems. Here is my advice:

1:) Set up a hide position on your roof and hit the dog in the ass with a bb gun. two pumps should do it. Or follow them and shit on thier lawn. Human shit, dog shit, babay diaper, whatever makes you chuckle as you do it.

2:) Get the shirt. Send it to me. And I will take all kinds of pictures around this place wearing it. Or take pictures of Albanians wear it. THen post them on your desktop. When the Bob's come to you tell them your vision on shirts and how you can save the company money or give it a better rep, get a raise and either way never wear another shirt.

Stop being a pussy and think outside the box man.
"I could use some assets."
