Tuesday, February 20, 2007

You can totally feel them...

So the team outing that I skipped was last week. After two weeks of being hassled about it the day came and went and I missed it.

Apparently I missed some good stuff.

Kat is definitely getting her boobs done. She went into great detail about her surgery. She even told all of the guys in my group that she can feel her cans.

Feel her fake boobs.

She is a co-worker and wants her male co-workers to feel her boobs when she gets implants. If someone did this anywhere else they would be fired without question.

I cannot believe this. All of the guys in my group are married or getting married.

Kat knows this and she still is OK with these guys feeling her boobs.

Am I crazy? I feel like I'm nuts for having to mention the absolute absurdity of this.

Ok on a different note I am now going forward with the nuclear option for my skunk problem. I have blocked off all known access into my yard, but this skunk is determined.

My cuban missile crisis like blockade has failed.

Scorched earth is now my only option. We had snow last week and I am now able to see TONS of skunk tracks in my backyard.

I had blocked off access behind my shed, but the fucker can climb. From behind my shed I see that there is a passage leading underneath the shed.

I've thrown poison in there. I've set poison around there.

If this fails I will get a trap and then drown the fucker.

I will win.

This skunk is like the Vietcong, burrowing holes and having little terrorist attacks on my yard and dog.

I am like a President who is not afraid to go for the ultimate solution for an enemy that refuses to fight. If the poison does not work, then the drowning pool will.

Stay tuned for an update from the front lines.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude you need to Deer Hunter that shit. set up a BB gun position on your porch. If you get a trap he will spray you. Around dusk bait the mother fucker. That;s when he will be active and start coming around. Then BLAM no more issues. You can also use the BOX and stick trick. I used to catch mice that way. Wait for him to walk under it and pull the string. Make sure its heavy enough and if it falls on a piece of ply wood you can pick it up turn it over screw gun the bitch down and give me his own noah's ark to hell.