Wednesday was my birthday and it sucked.
It was fine until I broke my toe. I was reading a book and my wife mentioned that my son needed a diaper change. I said I would do it, but I just wanted to finish the page I was on. My wife gets up and heads to go upstairs.
This drives me nuts. If I don't move fast enough for her she gets up to do it herself. In this case she couldn't wait the 20 seconds for me to finish my page.
So I see this and rush up. Doing this causes me to slam my toe against my wrought iron and stone coffee table.
It hurt. I limped upstairs and changed the boy.
The boy is running around so of course my wife decides to give him some chocolate. He takes a huge bite of it, walks to my leather couch and spits out half eaten chocolate.
This can't end well.
I am on the phone with my dad who is wishing me a happy birthday and my wife is in the bathroom with my son. She doesn't point his head at the toilet. She points it at the side of it.
He pukes all over the side of and behind my toilet.
The wife tells me to get off the phone to help. She says that "I can't deal with this puke, can you?"
So lets recap.
Messed up toe.
It's my birthday.
Scrubbing puke off of a toilet.
Suffice it to say I went to bed early.
The next day I am limping fairly badly. I am at work and have to look at one of the servers in the lab.
The server is on the bottom of the rack so I had to kneel down to look at it. I got up awkwardly because of the bad foot and hit my head.
I didn't just hit it, I felt whatever I hit dig into my skull.
I get up and feel my head.
I sure am bleeding a lot suddenly.
It is about 10 am. 31 has not been a good year for me and I am about 32 hours into that year.
I go to the bathroom and get a wet towel to try to stop the bleeding. Eventually my head clots up but my boss forces me to go to the ER.
Apparently a head wound isn't that serious for the ER so I get to wait for almost 3 hours before they take me.
I get a needle to my head to numb it up (This hurt worse than hitting my head), and then I get 4 staples in my head.
The staples hurt like a mofo. It really felt like I hadn't even been numbed up. The docter decided to look at my foot since I was already being examined and tells me I broke my big toe. She tapes it up.
Life rules.
By the time I get out of the ER I have to get my son. We come home and I just sit and relax. I called into work the next day because lets face it, I'd probably get shot in the arm with the way my luck was going.
It is now Monday and my head still hurts because I forget there are staples in it and I accidentally touch them when my head gets itchy.
Yea not as much fun as my 21st.
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