Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Drama Club

I've heard my wife complain about her mother being dramatic and trying to guilt her into things. I know parents hold a sway over you, so that is why I took the lead on telling my mother in law that I didn't want her boyfriend at the hospital.

As of yesterday I joined the drama club. I was hot as fuck. I had just gotten done mowing the lawn and watering the grass. I was sitting down with the burgers I just grilled and getting ready to watch some "John from Cincinnati" (A strangely watchable show) when the phone rings.

I never answer the phone but when I saw the caller ID and recognized my mother in laws number I knew I had to answer it. I didn't want her to think I was afraid to talk to her.

When I answered the phone she wanted me to give her a reason why I didn't want to have her boyfriend at the hospital.

The real reason is he is a creepy creepy man who I hate seeing with my current son and I don't want him anywhere near the new one either, but I didn't want to go off and make things weird for my wife and her mom.

I just told her that like I had said in my email, I didn't know him very well and I only wanted close friends and family there. She then countered by saying he has been in her life for over a year. I told her that while that may be true I had only met him a few times and didn't want him there.

I never backed down from telling her that he was not welcome. My only ambiguity was the reason why, but not once did I falter or make myself seem remorseful about my decision.

A little side note:

When we found out the sex of the baby it was discovered that the umbilical cord had a single umbilical artery. Most cords have two arteries and one vein. Our baby had one artery and one vein. This is fairly common and just like having two hands, eyes and ears, the second artery is a backup.

As a result of this they just monitored my wife and the baby a little closer, but there have been no issues.

Back to the post.

So my mother in law starts crying on the phone saying that with all of the complications that my wife has gone through (see above) her and her boyfriend had been praying for my wife and son and myself. Her quote was "But we prayed for you."

So does prayer get you admissions to maternity wards now?

Was there a memo about that somewhere? I'm not an especially religious person. Most days I doubt that there is a God. Her telling me she prayed for me and the inference that because her boyfriend did that then I should allow him to see my wife and child kind of pissed me off.

I told her to tell her bf thanks for the prayers but still nothing was going to change. He was not invited. I said only friends and family. She then comes back with "Well he is my family." I told her that I was happy for her but that still doesn't make him my family.

This woman sent me and email saying she respected my wishes yet here she is trying to use every guilty tool at her disposal to make me change my mind. I thought the whole thing was funny.

She then went on to say what a wonderful guy her BF was and how he looked so hurt when she told him I didn't want him there. He was so looking forward to being there.

Now if she really loved this guy do you think she would have said something like that? She couldn't have spared his feelings by saying that they only allowed immediate family or something? She said this to guilt me. I told her that while I was sorry her bf felt slighted that it wasn't anything personal, I just didn't know the guy.

She started crying again.

She was like I just wanted to clear the air. I told her she was more than welcome to call any time she wanted to discuss this but nothing was going to make me change my mind. She said bye and I got off the phone.

Now it's mighty presumptuous of her to assume she can just come to the hospital with this guy anyway. I didn't feel bad once during the call and I actually feel pretty great about it right now.

I see her tomorrow and I have a feeling that will be round 2.

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