Monday, April 10, 2006

If Donovan Mcnabb wasn't black he would be considered a bad quarterback....

This was the comment spoken by my uncle yesterday. The wife, boy and I spent the weekend with my folks for my birthday. Sunday kinda got away from us and we stayed later than we thought we would. During that time my aunt and uncle showed up. After a little while the men's conversation went to the great equalizer....Patriots football.

We talked about the schedule, how we were upset about the lack of moves with the team...just bullshitting.

Once we had removed the flavor from that subject, we focused on the NFL. Talking about what teams we thought were gonna make a splash.

Then we were talking about the Philadelphia Eagles. This set off my Uncle. He went on to say that Donovan Mcnabb was a horrible QB and that he only got media coverage because he was black. He said that no black QB will ever win a superbowl because they aren't smart enough. I disagreed and told him I was pretty sure that a black QB had won a superbowl. My uncle laughed and said "Well Jay I have been watching football a little longer than you have and I think I would know."

I went on to say nonetheless, Mcnabb is a bad example. He has taken his team to the NFC championship four years in a row. He is a good QB. I said if you want to talk over-rated, then I will agree that Micheal Vick is over-rated.

My uncle didn't want to hear any of it. He said that Rush Limbaugh was right. He said Mcnabb was a media darling based strictly on his race, and as a football player he was awful. He said Rush took a lot of heat for that, but he was correct nonetheless.

Some people just can't be open minded. I found that to be a very enlightening conversation.


Jay said...

Right. A drug addict is correct.

Anonymous said...

If you open your mind your brains leak out. I saw it once.