Thursday, August 17, 2006

The crying game....

Not sure why I thought of this. I had a good friend when I was a teenager. This guy named Scott. Dude was a smart kid but lacking in common sense. He's married now and we don't talk a lot, but he's a great guy.

Example of how this guy was. One New Years Eve we were at a party at this awesome house. Place had a basketball court and an indoor pool. We are drunk off our ass and swimming. I look down in the pool on the deep end and I see Scott on the pool floor looking up at me. I dive down and pull him up. Once he catches his breath his drunk ass says "Thanks I forgot how to swim!"
Kid was funny like that. He ended up with a hangover and I ended up getting an awful blowjob from a drunk girl.

Not a good way to start the year off for either of us.

Scott and his dad used to race sailboats every Wednesday. One day he needed me to help. Apparently the guy who raced with him and his dad was out that week and they needed someone for the third spot. I've never sailed but whatever.
Scott made it an adventure. At that time we were both big into the first Ace Ventura. We would quote it all the time. Scott loved the scene where they played the "Crying Game" music and Ace burned his clothes and cried in the shower. So before we race we have to scrub the boat bottom. This meant getting into some filthy water and scrubbing. After we had to get cleaned up in public showers.

I'm not a fan of public showers. Not a fan of being naked in front of guys. So I go to the far end of the shower and Scott is on the other end.
All of a sudden I hear a wail. I look and I see Scott in the fetal position pretending to cry just like in Ace Ventura.

There really wasn't much to do except laugh. Nothing like a naked guy laughing his ass off at another naked guy who is crying.

What the fuck was wrong with me in my teenage years?

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