So apparently Indianapolis has two vigilantes. Well considering they don't have much of a football team I guess anything is possible.
Mr Silent agreed to be interviewed by Lying In The Gutters. I started by asking if he was part of Grant Morrison's prediction, when he started writing "New X-Men," that we would start to see real superheroes in the next few years - and what led the JSJ to don costumes to fight crime rather than become volunteer police.
MR SILENT: Superheroes have been a part of the American psyche for some time now, I was especially touched by them. I just think that having the traditional police job is not for everyone. There is also a need for superheroes. People want something to believe in. I would rather it be a superhero than a villian.
LITG: I'm sure that's true for all of us - but what's your success on the streets been so far?
MR SILENT: There have actually been very few events so far. This is probably because we live in Indianapolis. The police do a very good job of keeping the crime rate low. We have prevented one crime so far, there we some people messing with little old lady and we appeared and they walked away. I don't think they were prepared for that kind of shock. We have also had confrontations with people who want to start fights or take off my mask. We don't mainly look for criminals. We are more focused on finding people to save. If that person needs saved from a mugger or rapist, then so be it. We also only fight violent crimes. Property crimes don't concern us as of yet. We also don't concern ourselves with drugs. Just the crimes where someone is going to get hurt.
LITG: So what is your official legal situation - have you had any reaction from traditional law keepers?
MR SILENT: As far as the police are concerned, we hardly exist. They will usually drive by with out looking at us or they sometimes even wave.
LITG: And could your very presence create an equal and opposite - super villains?
MR SILENT: We have thought about the question of super villains long and hard. What we have decided is that it is most likely going to happen. I think the Universe will have to balance itself. If there are superheroes eventually someone is going to decide to get some press too. Except they will not have benevolent intentions. When that day comes we will be ready for them.
LITG: Really? One common comment on message boards is that you'll likely find yourselves seriously wounded or killed. Is this a worry for you?
MR SILENT: In my opinion, I'm going to die anyway. Might as well leave a good looking corpse. Even if said corpse has a superhero costume on. We are also very careful.
LITG: Your "Mr Silent" identity reminds me of characters such as Big Ben, Silver Surfer, and the Droogs from Clockwork Orange. Do you have any specific influences in terms of superhero style?
MR SILENT: I would have to say I'm kind of influenced by Rorschach from "Watchmen." Even then, only a little. I do get the Clockwork Orange thing a lot.
LITG: I wonder why… have any of the inner conflicts common in the superhero fictions come true for you?
MR SILENT: I can only speak for myself on this one. I don't really have any inner conflicts which induced me to become super. I mainly liked superheroes and decided it was about time we had some. I knew that someone had to take that first step. I do keep my identity secret in order to protect my family and friends. Other than Doktor DiscorD, no one in the entire world know who I am. I imagine that when I am too old for the superhero thing that I will retire and reveal myself to the world. Maybe not though. People are always trying to find out who is beneath the mask. They are not very likely to find out though. I do not really talk about superheroes in my regular life. I figure if I say anything someone might remember it later.
LITG: Thank you, Mr Silent. Do keep us up to date with further events, or any psychological revelations.
MR SILENT: Thank you for your time. I hope your readers are satisfied with this. Good luck to you in everything you do.
We hope to ask Doktor DiscorD similar questions in the near future.
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