Friday, February 24, 2006

Instant Karma is gonna get you....

Remember when I was talking about my shitbag brother in law? Well in December he had lent me about 30 dollars in comics. I'm not someone who likes to borrow peoples stuff for a long time. When I am done with it I like to just give it back.

I've emailed the brother in law asking if he wants me to mail it to him. He said not to. He said he will see me eventually.

Yea that doesn't work for me. I don't like being responsible for peoples things.

Yesterday I had an epiphany.

I'll just give the books to my father in law. That way my father in law has something of his. I mean it's not nearly worth the 8 grand my brother in law fucked his dad on, but it's something.

When he eventually asks for his books I can't wait to see the look on his face when I tell him I gave them to his dad.

He is a piece of shit.

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