Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Mom and Dad don't need to know....

Let me preface this by saying I have no problem with my past.

Got that out of the way.

My brother had just started seeing a girl before we all went to Aruba. It was very surface, but they really liked each other. He had just gotten out of a 5 year relationship and wasn't ready for a commitment. This girl understood and knew he would probably be having fun while in Aruba with his friends.

He had fun. A lot of fun. He even let my parents know how much fun he was having.

On top of all of that, when we landed back in Boston around midnight he had the girl he was dating pick him and his buddies up at the airport.

Obviously this girl likes him a lot, and he likes her, but they weren't together very long before the trip. So whatever happens there stays there.

Well except it bothered my mom.

Monday my wife and I were over my folks house. We were all talking and it came up about how my brother acted in Aruba. My parents paid for the whole trip. This was their gift to us.
She was less than pleased that my brother spent all of his time with his friends and was having one nighters. Originally before he broke up with his girlfriend it was to be a family vacation where we would have dinners together and whatnot.

Once he became single my brother went from 25 year old man to a frat guy on spring break.

I didn't care. I mean he had been unhappy with his chick for a long time and needed to blow off steam.

The one nighter really bothered my mom though. So while we are all sitting around and my mom is saying:

"I didn't think I raised boys who would have one night stands." My lovely wife decides to say"

"Jay has had one night stands before too!"

I'm 30 and have been married for almost 5 years. I have a son who is almost 2 years old. I'm pretty sure my parents know I've had sex before.

They sure as shit don't need to know I've had a few one nighters. They DEFINITELY don't need to hear it from my wife!!

I just stared at her with a "What the fuck is wrong with you?" face. As we were driving home I'm like why would you ever tell my parents that?

She said she wasn't even thinking. She was just talking and didn't realize.

Fucking broads.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Got the block....

There is so little going on right now. I have nothing to write about. School is done for now. My mom takes the boy from Tuesday until Wednesday. I have a lot more free time, but I'm kinda at a loss as to what to write about.

The boy has been funny lately. We're trying to teach him to use a potty. We told him to tell us when he has to go.

That translates to telling us after he goes.

Fun stuff.

I'm not sure I'm ready for this potty thing. Diapers are one thing, but cleaning out shit and piss from plastic is kind of gross.

As far as i'm concerned he can take as much time as he wants in the diaper.

Man I sound so lame. Maybe my next post will be about my guys night out. That was fun.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Disgusting dream....

I dreamt that my wife and I had bought a new house. Once we moved in we found a lot of the bathroom floor opened up to the ground. Weird.

On top of it, in my dream I come home early and find my mother in law has started an orgy at my house.

I have a weird relationship with my mother in law. I don't love her...she's not family, I don't consider in laws as family, but I respect her as my wifes mother. I also don't find her remotely attractive.

Imagine my disgust when I get home and see my almost 50 year old mother in law in a nighty trying to fuck any dude around. There were a lot of other women and men there. It really fucking disturbed me. I know where this came from.

My in laws have recently divorced. They have been separated for over a year. In that time my father in law has been with one woman faithfully. He hasn't been dating. He has a job. He is responsible and cares for his family.

My mother in law on the other hand is meeting men online, as wrong numbers, anyway possible. She meets these weird men and has them come into her life, into my sons life when she watches him, and her young 11 year old sons life. She "owns" her own business, which is dubious since it's an art gallery in a suburban town. I don't think it is much of a business and I don't think it supports her.

So from this dream I can assume that I am subconciously worried that when my in laws finally sell their house, and my father in law is no longer bound to her, then I am worried that she may want to live with us.

I don't know how I could handle that.

Friday, May 19, 2006


(Circa 1997)

This was the worst year of my life. It was. Nothing made it good.

I was officially out of school.

I had no money and had stopped paying my car insurance.

I worked 2 jobs and never had a day off. I would wake up at 3 am to load trucks for UPS and then go to work at Uhaul.

I was such a winner.

In September of 1996 I got pulled over for doing 35 in a 25 MPH zone.

I meant to fight the ticket but I just forgot about it.

I'm not sure if I posted this before, but who cares it bears repeating. I would work until about 8:30 AM at UPS.

The fucking thing is I thought about it. I fucking thought about it. That still pisses me off to this day.

I had thought to take a different route to my apartment from work that morning. I did it because the cops in town were always pulling guys over for no reason.

I missed my turn because I was daydreaming about the 6 hours I had between UPS and Uhaul to have breakfast and sleep.

I got pulled over.

That ticket from 1996 came back to haunt me. I had been driving with a suspended license. I got arrested.

I had zero money. All I had was an ATM card and a checkbook. The cop only gave me enough time to grab my checkbook.

I was brought and booked at the towny police station. They had me handcuffed to a wall while they got a holding cell for me. Once the cell was ready I just went to sleep.

I was so tired. They took me to the Brockton courthouse. Brockton is a shithole. Murders and gangs. I don't belong there. I was just some kid who didn't pay a fucking speeding ticket. Life couldn't be this unfair. I have to sit down while this huge cop makes me take out my earring and my shoelaces. I am handcuffed and my legs are cuffed together too.

I get brought to another cell. I'm just in shock. How did I end up here? I'm not a bad person. There is only 1 other white guy there with me and he looks 12. I'm fucked. It's Febuary and I am wearing shorts. I have no money and no car. My case gets called up and I have to try to manage up the stairs with cuffed legs.

I get brough to the courthouse but where I have to sit there is messed up. There is a sheet of glass between myself and the court. I couldn't call my folks. I didn't want to deal with their bullshit. I know I fucked up. I couldn't deal with it.

I plead my case to the judge and he lets me go as long as I pay off what I owe. There goes the little cash I had managed to save up. Of course I have only a checkbook.

No ATM card which means no cash. This means I have to walk in the aformentioned shorts to the DMV to get my license reinstated.

It's cold. It is Febuary. I make it to the DMV and bump into one of my best friends. I don't know how. I just do. He drives me to get my car.

I've been up since 3 am. It's about 5 pm. I get home and explain to my roommate what happened. There are like 5 messages from Uhaul asking where the fuck I am. I am just fucked. I call work and explain what happened. They ask if I can still come in.

I need the money. What else can I do? I go in. That was the beginning of the worst year of my life. I would eventually break up with my future wife. I would have to move back home.

I come out of it ok in the end. I just like to look back every now and then and see how far I've come.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Now this is funny....

I've mentioned that my professor for this semester isn't very hands on. I half assed my last lab of the semester with the knowledge that I was getting an A in the class even if I got an F on it. I sent the lab in at the very last minute because that's when I did it. So I got the grade for it and emailed my professor for a critique. This is his response:

Hi Jason,
I wasn't planning on it but sinc you asked, Your comparison of geologic vs. Topographic maps particularly the Topographic maps component was sketchy at best and you didn't answer question #8 on boundaries at all. The raptor paper was cursory with no mention of range either timewise or geographically and a WEB encyclopedia entry doesn't indicate much of a WEB search for info. Have a Good Summer.

By the way I got a 90 on the lab. Just blows my mind how this dude has a job. Everything he said was right. Although I don't remember missing question 8.

Finally finals...

Finished my geology final yesterday. Got a 100. It was easy since I just copied the answers from my old quizzes. Ah the ethics of an online class. What are you gonna do? I was really sweating this course before I took it. It was science and a lab. I'm not very good at science. Thankfully my professor wasn't very good at teaching. He left everything open book and had little to no contact with us.

I learned nothing, but then again this isn't what I want to go to school for. Taking this lab was just a necessary evil. So glad that is over though.

The rain finally stopped. New England has been hammered with rain for about a week now. Flooding everywhere.

I had to drive up to my wife's grandparents house in New Hampshire for mothers day. We had seen my family the week before and this was the week for her fam. I'm not too high on my mother in law. I like my wifes aunts, and her uncle by marriage but the rest I can do without. Her grandparents are nice too.

It kinda blew because the rain really fucked us up getting there. We were detoured and the detour signs just stopped.

It was then that I realized my hatred for all things New Hampshire. What a backwards fucking state. Cops detour you and the signs stop. Fuckers. Tax free...who gives a fuck?

Anyway I'm pumped about summer starting. Grass I planted is growing and I might be able to work on my yard if it stays dry out for a minute.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Hot dogs and chocolate milk.....

That is what my couch, my floor, my coffee table and my legs were covered in last night.

Not some kinky sex thing with the wife...the boy puked. It was like that scene in Stand by Me with Lard Ass at the pie eating contest. It was everywhere.

I was watching a game 3 of the 2003 ALCS (The one where Pedro throws down Don Zimmer), when the boy comes up to me and sits on my lap. He has a weird look to him. He coughs, burps, and then projectile vomits everywhere.

I get up and the dog, sensing that this is somehow food, starts licking it up. I have to run upstairs and put the boy in the shower and strip him to his diaper. I put him in the shower because that was the only place that wasnn't carpet. So the boy in his diaper comes downstairs with me as I fight off the dog and tell him to stop eating the vomit.

I get fido to go lay down. I hand the boy a Thomas the Tank Engine train and have him sit on shit spiderman chair, and then I get to the work of cleaning.

If my wife was the one home alone and not me, I would bet money she would have left it there for me to come home and deal with. She cannot deal with puke.

I found the whole thing kinda funny. After that I took the boy into the shower with me to rinse off. Only after that was I able to watch the rest of the game in peace.

By the way....I haven't seen it yet, but I think this is going to be my favorite movie of the year:


Wednesday, May 03, 2006


I know this guy that judges you for life if you have ever cheated on someone, been arrested for drinking and driving, or done drugs.

He doesn't realize people fuck up and then change from it. Maybe he does, but he doesn't care.

What's funny about this guy is that in front of his wife and her friend he has no problem whipping his cock out and having her friend touch and lick it.

To him this is acceptable because his wife is in the know and is ok with it.

People fuck up. People make mistakes. I don't think it's ok to cheat on your wife. I don't think it's ok to drive if you are drunk.

I have no problem with people doing drugs, but please don't operate heavy machinery while doing it.

I just don't see why you need to put up a wall about it. I sure as shit don't know how you can have your wifes friend touch your cock in front of your wife and have any kind of moral high ground.

Monday, May 01, 2006

It's so hard to not flip out sometimes....

I was going to write today about how pissed I was that my wife didn't fill her car up with gas and had to take my car to work while I took hers. I was pissed about this because I saw yesterday that it needed gas but my wife, like always gets pissy when I bring shit like that up. So I took her car because she was running late and my car had a full tank of gas.

I was all set to write about this, but then I met an asshole at 7:45 AM.

As some or as all of you know today is a day that illegal immigrants are taking off to show how important they are to keep America running.

Anyway I get to Dunkin' Donuts (late since I was stuck in traffic after filling my wife's car up) and there is a bit of a line. It's not bad and the line is moving along.

This guy comes behinnd me and whispers knowingly.

"Well immigrant day is already ruining my day."

He was referring to the line. Ass.

This Dunks is all immigrants working there. I occassionally get a bad cup, but they always have my coffee ready. Actually on Monday and Wednesday I have my son with me, so they know I am giving a coffee to my sons godmother, and they have munchkins waiting for my son as well.

Are these people immigrants? Yes. Are they illegal? I have no idea. I don't want to get on a soapbax. Lets just say that I don't think illegals should be given a pass. That said, just because you aren't white and speak with an accent doesn't mean you are an illegal alien.

This asshole pissed me off with that comment. He said it to me with a knowing smile expecting me to come back with a nod or something lame.

I stared at him without a smile, and just turned away. He actually made his way away from me.

I am the first generation born in this country. My dad has been here since he was 16 and my mom since she was 6. Most of my family speaks with an accent. I think it's ignorant to make jokes like that.

It just really annoyed me. It's borderline racist. Stupid fucking people. No idea what they are talking about. I'm not particularly dark. I am really tan now, but normally I'm kinda pale in comparison to my family. I guess I have always passed as someone who was just American. I have never heard someone talk like that though.

This country is just fucked up. Between freedom of speech in the media becoming a joke and now anyone with an accent becoming fodder for being somehow illegal, I just don't have a good feeling about America.