Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I fucked up....

School was a bad idea this semester. I really should have taken this semester off. I need to post 4 times a week on a message board. I really need to step it up.
I get home and have zero desire to fucking sit down and do this class.
Today I'm gonna start kicking my ass into gear. I have a huge essay due at the end of next month too.

Kids stay in school. Working full time and having a wife and kid makes it hard to focus on one class.

Monday, September 25, 2006

One more thing...

The Patriots season is really starting to annoy me. Tom Brady needs to let go of whatever is bothering him and start playing.

I don't believe that he just doesn't have anyone to pass to.

You lost an OK wide receiver, move on and win another Super Bowl!!

Heathens and work...

I think I made a mistake taking this job. I feel like I don't know enough, although the people here seem to know less.

Not a fan of the co-workers. They pass off work and come in whenever they want. I'm just not feeling it.

I'm really hoping this passes, at least I hope I get to be a lot better on this job.
It's just been shitty lately. The job blows. I am hating coming here everyday.

School sucks this semester too. With the new job I should have actually taken the semester off because I am spending too much time learning the job and not enough time focusing on class.
I did spend some time getting into it with some soccer moms who tried saying that Adam and Eve created humanity.

This broad told me that Adam and Eve had sons and daughters who fucked and had kids who fucked and had kids. They repeated this and thus humanity was formed.

God Bless inbreeding.

Only heathens believe in evolution eh?

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I hate working with this broad....

So the slutty soccer mom last week tells me I am going to watch her do an upgrade. It will be a good training excercise she says.

I'm all about training so I say great. On Tuesday I back up all of our customers files and I get him a license for the new software. I make sure the customer has the installation CD. It's all good. Cassie says we will do the upgrade on Thursday.

She comes in Thursday and is immediately yelled at for not documenting an active issue with a high profile customer. She then throws her friend who she just got hired under the bus for it.

Good to know she is loyal huh?

So Thursday comes and goes. As I leave I say "So I guess we aren't going to do the upgrade huh?" She is like oh why didn't you remind me?

Why didn't I remind her?

Because it's her fucking customer. It's not my job to follow up on her issues. When I get in the office I make sure that I have contacted everyone I am supposed to. She should do the same.

She is after all training me.

I get in on Friday morning and she had sent me an email saying she told the customer we were waiting on the license because she didn't want him to know WE forgot.

I replied and told her I didn't forget.

This is such a chick thing. WE. "We should really get that customer up and running." is chick speak for "You do it and I will watch and say I helped."

Fucking broads.

So Friday we start the upgrade. Cassie says we can use my computer to do it. I am fine with this. Now I have zero experience with this system. Cassie has never done this upgrade either.
We start at 12:30. By about 3:00 we are ready to convert the customers old files to work on the upgraded system.

The conversion fails.

I ask Cassie what to do. She says "You're doing the upgrade, you figure it out." I'm like "Wait this is your customer." She says "This is a training excercise for you." Then she puts her feet up on her desk.

Great way to spend a Friday.




She bails on me with her customer on my machine. Fucking whore. She says to call a buddy of mine. He helps me out and by 5 I have the system ready to go.

The whole time she would come to my desk and bullshit with the other people helping me out and then when they left she would go to her desk and put her feet up.


So Monday the customer emails saying there are some problems with the upgrade. This is still her ticket. She must have asked my 5 times if I contacted that customer.

I am like nope I am working with my customers.

Fucking bitch.

I hate shit like this. I hate because I'm not the type of person to let it lie and I really just want to come into work without drama.

The drama comes to me no matter what.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Dude your face rubbing is killing me....

This guy I sit across from has issues. I don't think showers are often in his life. He has dreads so I think he rarely washes his hair. He doesn't stink, but his face always looks dirty.
He has this annoying habit of taking his palm and rubbing it across his face in a circular motion. He does this for a 5 second stretch.
Then he stops for like 5 minutes and repeats. It makes a nasty sound and I think I am going insane by it.
Is it wrong that it is more rational to me to cut off his hands than to ask him to stop?

Happiness is a warm Lost....

I've been slowly but surely going over the Lost season 2 set. I love it. I can't wait for this show to come back on. The set is great and the special features rock. The best special feature is a set that shows all of the connections between characters.
Interestingly enough Jack, Jacks dad and Claire all have a connection to a person who is obscured by static.
I think this is a nod to the theory that Jacks father is also Claires father.
The one special feature that was missing was the police video showing Michelle Rodriguez and Cynthia Watros being arrested and booked for their DUI.
A lot of people get frustrated with the show since it doesn't reveal it's secrets quick enough.
I dig that about the show. So far I really have no complaints. I dig it quite a bit and the only frustration I feel is the wait between weeks for the show.