Remember that saying about Hitler?
First he came for the gypsy's and I said nothing because I wasn't a gypsy.
Then he came for the blacks and I said nothing because I wasn't black.
When he came for me there was no one left to say anything.
Well this is sort of like that.
My wife is 28. She has a brother who is 26 and a sister who is 23. She also has a little brother who is 11.
Her parents are getting separated. It's an amicable break up. Everyone is ok with it expcept my wifes brother.
Not the 11 year old. The 26 year old. He stopped talking to his parents. I don't understand that reaction. Hear is a guy who is 26 and lives on his own. He only saw his parents on holidays. His living situation doesn't change as a result of this but he is not talking to them.
As someone who didn't speak to his folks for a few years I can't talk, but my reasons were different. I can respect that he doesn't want to talk to them.
The thing I can't respect is him not paying a bill. When he was in college his dad took out a loan for him with the understanding that the son would pay it off. Unfortunately it is in my father in laws name and my brother in law is under no legal obligation to pay it. So now he just stopped paying it. My father in law called him and he never called back. He sent him the letters he was getting and still my brother in law never wrote back or paid it.
Now my brother in law has a good job. He is able to go away on vacations. He can pay this off.
Finally over the summer my father in law got a letter saying that his wages were going to be garnished. He called my wife. She went nuts and called her brother. She asked him what he was doing not paying this bill. She explained that he said he would pay the loan when his dad took it out. My brother in law responded with:
"Well I guess some contracts are harder to break than others."
I like my father in law a lot. He has been screwed over a few times and I feel bad for him. For his son to say something like that....well lets just say that if my brother in law was in front of me when he said that I would have kicked his ass.
Suffice it to say my wife tore him a new asshole. She mentioned that if her dads wages were garnished then how would he support her little brother? That seemed to hit home for him. He said he would take care of the loan.
He did.
For one payment. Then he stopped paying it again. This is my wifes brother and my sons uncle, so he is welcome in my house as long as my wife wants him there. Him and I were really close too. We share a lot of the same interests. I considered him a really close friend.
Since then I have stopped talking to him. Oh I'll be civil with him at family gatherings and not ignore him, but I stopped talking to him outside of them. I stopped answering his calls and emails. I was telling my wifes sister about this.
She asked why I would do that. She said it had nothing to do with me. I explained to her like I had explained to my wife when she asked me.
"It's like being friends with the school bully. He kicks everyones ass for no reason, but he is nice to you. Even though he hasn't done anything to you, what he is doing is wrong and after awhile you can't abide it." My wife understood, but I don't think my sister in law did.
Listen I don't want conflict at all. I hate confrontation, but this is something that pisses me off. If he was my son I would call 3 times. If I didn't get a reply by the third time I would go to his house. If he blew me off I would kick his ass. I'm not kidding. He would be beaten so bad that he would be begging me to take his money.
If the check didn't come the next month I would go back and do it again. The thing that scares me about this kid and this is me thinking very far out of the box.
If my wife and I ever got separated and for some reason my son asked his uncle for advice....would he tell my son to fuck me over like he has fucked his family over?
Probably not beacause I don't plan on getting divorced and my son would know that he would get the shit kicked out of him if he even thought about doing that.
The point is what my brother in law is doing is wrong. No one wants to talk about it, but I can't keep it bottled up anymore. I know like maybe 2 people read this blog and this isn't why I wrote it. I wrote it because it needed writing. I needed to get it out.
My father in law tore his ACL at work and has to go on workmans comp. He has to now pay this loan or he is screwed.
My brother in law just got back from Vegas.
Life is funny sometimes huh?
I've tried talking to him. He just says all the right things to get out of the conversation then goes on and does his own thing. I don't want to upset my wife either by making it weird for her. She has just decided to have separate relationships with her folks and longer a family relationship but individual ones. I just needed to get it off my chest more than anything. I can't really complain to my wife. She feels bad enough as it is. Her family kinda falling apart and all.
Wrap DK2 up in the unpaid Bills. He'll get the message.
Now that's funny.
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